An important mandate that Jesus gave His disciples 2000 years ago was to 'go and make disciples of all nations'. Even today, believers who have experienced the indescribable love of Jesus and have received the gift of salvation through Him, strive to give what they have freely received. This love of God compels us to partner in the cause of advancing the Gospel in every possible way.
IPC Kuwait has greatly prioritized this Great Commission of Jesus and has taken up an active part in evangelizing both here in Kuwait as well as in India. In Kuwait, camps are visited where our brothers visit non-believers and actively share the Gospel with them. Many have come to the Lord through this ministry and are regularly attending the Church. Bible classes are being held in these camps to strengthen the new and existing believers in their faith.
In India, three workstations have been adopted by our Church in Kerala, Gujarat and Orissa. Several evangelists are being supported on a regular basis so that they can reach the unreached in their villages. Apart from spiritual nourishment, work is being done for the betterment of society in these areas. The pastor and members of the church visit these work stations from time to time to partner with the work going on there. To know more about our Mission Fields Click here .
The church has an Evangelism Board meet regularly to pray for these mission fields and for their needs. They meet on Fridays from 5-6 pm.
Along with Paul, may we say, "For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!" (1 Cor 9:16)
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